6 research outputs found

    A UML Profile for Security and Code Generation

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    Recently, many research studies have suggested the integration of safety engineering at an early stage of modeling and system development using Model-Driven Architecture (MDA). This concept consists in deploying the UML (Unified Modeling Language) standard as aprincipal metamodel for the abstractions of different systems. To our knowledge, most of this work has focused on integrating security requirements after the implementation phase without taking them into account when designing systems. In this work, we focused our efforts on non-functional aspects such as the business logic layer, data flow monitoring, and high-quality service delivery. Practically, we have proposed a new UML profile for security integration and code generation for the Java platform. Therefore, the security properties will be described by a UML profile and the OCL language to verify the requirements of confidentiality, authorization, availability, data integrity, and data encryption. Finally, the source code such as the application security configuration, the method signatures and their bodies, the persistent entities and the security controllers generated from sequence diagram of system’s internal behavior after its extension with this profile and applying a set of transformations

    MG-leach: an enhanced leach protocol for wireless sensor network

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    A wireless sensor network is made up of a large number of small sensor nodes with limited energy resources, which is a real problem for this network. In this article, we will study the ingestion of node energy in these networks at the routing level. In addition, we are modifying one of the most popular routing algorithms for data communication in the WSN: LEACH (Adaptive Hierarchy with Low Power Consumption). The modified version of the LEACH base version "MG_LEACH" uses an intermediate cluster header to transmit data, extend the network lifetime and send more data than the original protocol. Our proposed algorithm is simulated using MATLAB to verify the effectiveness of improving the lifetime of this network. The results of the simulation confirmed that the system was working better than the LEACH basic system and that the network life had been improved. 

    Smart monitoring information system based on RF 433 Mhz (SMIS)

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    Many research works are devoted to the design of remote control systems of objects. Remote monitoring is among the technologies of data acquisition on a remote object and its characteristics without physical contact with it. These data can be collected by acoustic waves, the distribution of forces and electromagnetic energy to process them to locate the object and its characteristics. This paper presents a smart monitoring information system based on RF 433MHz, Arduinonano and arduinouno named SMIS

    Evaluation of the Energy Capacity of the Controlled Landfill from Mohamedia Benslimane by Three Theoretical Methods – Land Gem, IPCC, and TNO

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    The objective of this study was to estimate the content of methane produced and generated by the anaerobic biodegradation of the main organic fraction of municipal solid waste from the controlled landfill of Mohammedia-Benslimane (Morocco) by three theoretical models, based on the first order decay equation: LandGEM, IPCC and TNO. To carry out this study, the quantities of solid waste buried in this landfill since its inauguration in 2012 were used and the composition of the biogas in-situ in 2020 and 2021was determined. The quantities of waste that will be buried in this landfill from 2022 to 2032 were estimated by projection.The results of the analysis of the biogas generated in this controlled landfill in 2020–2021 indicate that it is composed of 59.59% CH4, 38.9% CO2, and 0.14% O2. This result indicates that the waste is in a stable methanogenesis phase. The results obtained by using the three methodologies show that the total volume of CH4 generated during the period 2012–2021 was 32.59 Mm3 according to the IPCC model, 20.95 Mm3 according to the LandGEM model and 20.96 Mm3 according to the TNO model. The total volume of CH4 that will be produced during the period 2022–2032 has been projected to 107.48 Mm3 by the IPCC model, to 76.84 Mm3 by the LandGEM model, while the total volume of CH4 projected under the TNO method will be 67.67 Mm3. The maximum methane production will reach a value of 12.07 Mm3, 9.46 Mm3 and 7.82 Mm3 for the IPCC, LandGEM and TNO models, respectively. In 2021, the volume of methane estimated by the three models is higher than that on-site measurement by a factor of 3.5(IPCC), 2.4 (LandGEM) and 2.3 (TNO). The results clearly indicate that the three models over predict methane generations when compared to the on-site generations. According to the LandGEM methodology, the electricity estimated will reach a maximum value of 33 GWh/year in 2032.The efficient use of methane generated by this controlled landfill as a source of electrical energy in the upcoming years can be an option for the sustainable management of waste

    LandGEM Biogas Estimation, Energy Potential and Carbon Footprint Assessments of a Controlled Landfill Site. Case of the Controlled Landfill of Mohammedia-Benslimane, Morocco

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    Landfills throughout the world are contributing to the global warming problem. This is due to the existence of the most important greenhouse gases in landfill gas; namely, methane and carbon dioxide. Methane has a high potential for energy production and by utilizing the proper technology, large amounts of energy can be extracted from it. This paper deals with the estimation of methane emissions from the controlled municipal solid waste landfill of Mohammedia-Benslimane (MB) in Morocco. Methane emissions were calculated using the LandGEM method. In this research, the following parameters were evaluated: the amount of landfilled waste, the characteristics of the landfill and the composition of the landfilled waste, as well as the climatic conditions prevailing in the region. According to the LandGEM model, the total amount of methane generated from approximately 3.663 E+06 kg of municipal solid waste that will be buried of in the MB controlled landfill over 20 years,2012 to 2032, is 1.76 E+08 m3. For the year 2020, the estimated electrical energy production in the landfill is 1.78 E+07 kWh. Regarding the carbon footprint for this landfill, the landfilling of household solid waste at the MB landfill has resulted in a production of about 499,238,000 kg CO2e in 2020 since its opening in 2012, according to the LandGEM model. These huge amounts of greenhouse gas are related to the fact that the waste buried at this landfill is highly organic. By installing an efficient system to capture and flare the biogas generated in this landfill, the management of this landfill is actively contributing to the protection of the environment by mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, particularly methane